St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church ​
Trenton, New Jersey
St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church is a community of believers that is rooted in God’s unconditional grace and love, striving to share God’s light of hope and salvation to scatter the darkness wherever it is found, through word and deed.
"Little church with a BIG heart!"
Donate to the Ministry of St. Bart
The Church is at its best when it is working together for the sake spreading the Good News of Jesus' unconditional and abundant love. With that in mind, we would like to invite you to participate in the ministry of Saint Bartholomew. Please specify which ministry you are donating toward on the Paypal checkout page. (Tithe, General Ministry, Food Pantry)
You are welcome to make a general donation to the ministry of St. Bart too. If you would also like to volunteer your time and help out with a specific ministry, please contact us and let us know!