St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church ​
Trenton, New Jersey
St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church is a community of believers that is rooted in God’s unconditional grace and love, striving to share God’s light of hope and salvation to scatter the darkness wherever it is found, through word and deed.
"Little church with a BIG heart!"
Frequently Asked Questions
St. Bart is a relatively small church, but we pride ourselves on our welcoming spirit. Visitors to St. Bart's are greeted and the worship service is explained so that their first visit will be pleasant. Since visitors often have questions, we have listed the most frequently asked questions we get at St. Bart's below. Please call or email to the church office if you have further questions or comments.
Who is allowed to come to worship?
Everyone. Really. We mean it.
What is worship like?
We tend to be casual about our worship, and rejoice in welcoming everyone in. We encourage everyone to come as they are. It is not unusual to hear babies crying, children laughing, and adults sharing their joys and their pains. We sing praise and supplications, we pray for peace and justice, we taste mercy, and we experience new life.
We follow an order for worship that has been present for the almost 2000 years in the Christian tradition.
We gather, confessing our need for healing and praising God.
We hear the word of God in the Bible and the sermon.
We celebrate the meal of Jesus in the bread and wine.
We are sent out to be the people of God out in the world.
What do I have to wear?
You are encouraged to come to worship in whatever way you feel comfortable. Jeans and a t-shirt? Formal dress or suit? Something in the middle? It is all fine by us.
Masks are optional for indoor worship.
How can I follow the service?
There are two main ways: our bulletin and our hymnbook. Our bulletin gives you the order for worship, and the hymnal gives you the songs to sing. Any questions, ask an usher or someone around you!
Is it accessible to those with physical limitations?
We have a handicap accessible ramp, and are happy to help you up in any way you can. If you think you may need some help, call the church office ahead of time (609-393-6060) or flag someone down when you get here. We have ushers and many others who are happy to help.
What kind of parking facilities do you have?
God smiled on St. Bart and gave us our own off-street parking lot across the alley directly behind the church. Many city churches aren't this fortunate to have a parking lot to minimize street parking and give us a location for large activities such as the annual neighborhood barbeque.
Can I bring small children to your Worship service?
Children are a welcome and important part of our worship experience. You are encouraged to bring your children to worship. Children's reading books, bulletins and coloring books are available for children during the Worship Service. They are in the back of the Church. We also offer a nursery for children up to 5 years old if you need some focused time for worship.
Do I have to be a member of the church to participate in church activities?
No! Come as you are and participate in whatever God is calling you to do. You do not have to be an official member to participate in any activity.
Can I take Communion at your church?
Yes. The Body and Blood of Christ is available for all who desire to receive it. If you do not want to receive Communion, but would like a blessing, you are welcome to receive one.
What is the different between Lutherans and Catholics/Methodists/Baptists/Anglicans/etc.
Plenty, but there's a lot more that we share in common. We are all doing our best to follow after Jesus Christ and share his abundant and unconditional love with the world through our words and our deeds. See the "What We Believe" section to get a taste of what makes Lutherans unique or schedule a time with our pastor to discuss your concerns.
In short though, Lutherans love to emphasize God's free grace above all else. God loves you and that changes everything!
Hours of Operation
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM