St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church ​
Trenton, New Jersey
St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church is a community of believers that is rooted in God’s unconditional grace and love, striving to share God’s light of hope and salvation to scatter the darkness wherever it is found, through word and deed.
"Little church with a BIG heart!"
Our Community Partners
We understand the church as broad and large, encompassing people and places from a variety of different places. St. Bart’s connections to those other church and civil groups helps further God’s work in the world.
Ministry Partner Congregations
We and our "official" ministry partnership congregations support each other by intentionally participating in each other's efforts to live out Christ's Good News to the world. We worship together, we serve together, we share resources, and we have fun together!
Our current Minsitry Partner Congregations include:
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Ewing
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Princeton Junction
Children's Home Society of NJ
The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey's mission is to find loving families for children, to protect children from harm, and to help parents find better ways to be parents so they can keep their children. CHS operates a day care using St. Bart's building.
United Mercer Interfaith Organization (UMIO)
UMIO is an interfaith alliance of leaders and faith based organizations working together to seek justice especially in marginalized populations of Trenton and the Mercer County area.
New Jersey Synod
The New Jersey Synod is a geographical grouping of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregations that share the mission and ministry of the Church on the New Jersey territory. It is one of 65 synods in the ELCA. The NJ Synod is comprised of 175 congregations, which include almost 80,000 baptized members.
​Faith In New Jersey
Faith in New Jersey (FINJ) is a multi-faith and multi-racial network of faith leaders and faith communities working together to advance a social and economic justice agenda at the local, state and federal level. Faith in New Jersey’s mission is to develop grassroots community leaders, analyze the policies that shape our communities, and mobilize faith voices and faith voters to effectively act on the prophetic call to build the Beloved Community.

The ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God's grace in our lives. Learn more about What We Believe.
We also work hard to put our faith into action. In today’s complex world, we strive to make a difference in practical, realistic ways.
With more than 10,000 congregations across the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and 4.2 million members—we welcome you to experience this church right in your community. Explore the ELCA, and help us celebrate our gift of faith—with action.
Raw Tools
​Our nation has been through a variety of horrific events surrounding gun violence, and it has brought the conversation to the forefront of our current events and “water cooler” conversations. It has largely become a binary conversation of either more guns or more laws. RAWtools wants to open a new option, a third way: What if we made a commitment to solve our problems without guns and violence?
Help us turn guns into garden tools. We will arrange a time and place that is convenient to meet you, and we will bring the equipment to decommission the gun(s). It takes about 5-10 minutes per gun.
We are comprehensive in our efforts to move communities away from violence. It’s not enough to just make tools from guns. We need to help teach each other new ways to solve our problems through relationship, dialogue, and alternative means of justice.